Ragnar orðinn brjálaður og enginn peningur!

Elisabeth svaraði um hæl bréfi mínu í gær og var auðvitað himinlifandi að ég skyldi geta afturkallað þessa færslu og nú sent þeim peningana á réttan stað (sem er án efa einhver glæsibygging Lotterísins í Hollandi).  Bréfið sem hún sendi hljómaði svona:

Following your recent request for the payment of our administrative fee, we write to provide with our payment details. You are advice to transfer the fee through the western union money transfer services into the name of our account officers. You are  to proceed to any agent office mentioned and ask them to make a transfer of the required fee to Holland/Netherlands. See below is the officer name and address for the transfer.

First Name: Kester
Last Name:  Nelson
Address: Laan van Hoornwijck 55
2289 DG Rijswijk
Holland/The Netherlands.

NB. You are advice to state the reason of transfer, simply because of tax.

You are to provide us with the information's for the transaction so that the fee can be picked up for the processing of your winning documents. Please do give us a call immediately this payment is made and also remember to send us the information's for the payment either through our fax number or as an email message. Be informed here that upon our receipt of this fee, we will then procure a winning certificate in your name, a copy of the winning certificate will be sent to you by email scan attachment and the original copy will be submitted to our paying bank here in Netherlands for the immediate release of your 980,000:00 euro winning funds into your account and you will be provided with the wire transfer payment slip for the transfer into your account within 48hrs. As soon as the transfer of your wining prize into your account is completed, the original copies of your winning documents including your winning certificate will be sent to you by United Parcel Services (UPS) to your mailing address.

We await your response/details of the payment.

Best regards,
Mrs. Elisabeth J. Limbourg

Og þetta fær maður þegar Ragnar er gargandi í símann á mig alla daga og kvöld enda ekkert búinn að fá borgað!

Sendi póst á eftir.

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1 identicon

Helv... melir! Hugsa sér hvað sumt fólk virðist vera algjörlega samviskulaust? Bob og Elísabetu var greinilega ekki kennt að það er ljótt að plata! Ótrúleg þrautseigja ... bæði hjá þeim og prestinum;) Bíð spennt eftir framhaldinu;)

Gunnsa (IP-tala skráð) 1.10.2008 kl. 14:45

2 identicon

Þarf ekki Elísabet að fara að borga prestinum svona smá fee fyrir alla fyrirhöfnina og til þess að sanna fyrir Ragnari að þetta sé ekkert plat,bara svona smá töf...(svona 100 evrur á gengi dagsins :-)

Mummi senior (IP-tala skráð) 3.10.2008 kl. 16:52

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