Vitlaus reikningur... ohhh...

Žaš viršist sem svo aš ég hafi lagt jólasjóšspeninga kirkjunnar inn į rangan reikning og nś žarf ég aš afturkalla fęrsluna til aš fį upplżsingar frį žeim. Meira veseniš į henni Elķsabetu sem ég hélt aš myndi nś eiga aušvelt meš aš redda žessu.  Hśn viršist nś samt vera dugnašarforkur hśn Elķsabet enda sendir hśn póstinn kl. 11 į laugardegi žar sem žetta kemur fram:

Sequel to your last email message receive with regards for the transfer payment of our administrative fee, we write to inform you that you are to call back the fee you already transfer because it was paid to a wrong account, because the last email that was sent to you from the office you were advice to contact us as when you will make the payment so that we can give you our payment details.

Do give us a call or send us an email so that we can give you our payment instructions on how you are going to make the payment to us.

We await your response.

Best regards,
Mrs. Elisabeth J. Limbourg

Hvaš gera bęndur nś?  Ég įkvaš žvķ aš skrifa henni smį lķnu enda peningarnir löngu komnir til Luckyday Lottery.

Dear Elisabeth.

This is not good news to us.  Our bank contact tells us that this payment is difficult to be called back and nobody at Luckyday Lotto that we called can help us.  But the woman I called told us that since it is in their account, you should be able to get it from there.  They didn't know your name, but Luckyday Lotto is of course a big company.

If this is going to be a problem, we can pay the bank to transfer another amount from their own accounts while they reclaim this one.  However, that will cost us minimum 2-300 euros and we don't have that money here (we finished the church fund for the last payment).  So I think the only way is for you to get the money from the head office, just call them (you should know the number). 

The contractor came to me yesterday evening and asked for the downpayment we promised him for the new house. The foundation is being built now but he threatens to stop working if the money won't be here on monday.  I therefore must get the money you promised me. I paid the fee right away!

Please help us get our money, the winter is coming fast here and this morning Mount Esja was white of snow and then soon the polar bears will start coming to town. We need our house fast!  I hope you help us as soon as possible.

Best regards,


P.s. Are you christian?  Our church sends our gods blessings to you for your help.  Of course if you were muslim, we would have to send Allah's blessings, you understand.  We always pray for you each night and send you our blessings.  It's important that you get the right ones.

Jęja, žetta veršur bara meira og meira spennandi.  Sjįum hverju žeir svara nśna.  Žaš er nś meira pśliš aš vera prestur!

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1 Smįmynd: Predikarinn  -  Cacoethes scribendi


Hérna er sķša sem mišlar reynslu žeirra sem plata žessa nķgerķusvindlara og hefur tekist vel upp.

Predikarinn - Cacoethes scribendi , 29.9.2008 kl. 00:31

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.


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