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Jęja, Elisabeth žessi elska er bśin aš senda mér svar og nśna er ég hįrsbreidd frį žvķ aš fį 980.000 evrurnar (takk fyrir įbendingarnar athugullra lesenda um 80.000 evrurnar).  Ķ žessu bréfi sem er ansi langt kemur žetta helst fram:

Sequel to our payment release application with the Netherlands Gaming board Authority, we write to inform you that an approval has been granted for the release of your complete lottery winning funds to you the beneficiary.  Our funds transfer department has already commence the processing of the necessary documentations that will enable our paying bank carry out the release of your approved lottery funds into your given account details, due to the process that are involve in the release of your payment funds which requires our procurement first of a Lottery Winning Certificate that will be issued on your name and an Irrevocable Guarantee Payment Release Order Document before we can have direct access to the lottery prize money, you are hereby required to pay to us first our mandatory administrative fee of 1,860 euro (One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Euro Only) to cover our management fee.

Ennfremur segir ķ bréfinu:

Kindly remember here that this administrative fee cannot be taken out of your approved winning because of an Insurance Bond Policy that was executed on the lottery program to guild against Money Laundering activities and also to avoid unwarranted deduction from the part of the payment bank. 

You are advice here to inform us of when it will be possible for you to come up with this fee so as for us to provide you with details of how you are to transfer us this fee. Should you still have any more questions, do not hesitate to contact me (Mr. Bob Bongers) on the below stated telephone/fax number for more explanations.

Jęja, nś byrjar fjöriš.  Žeir hafa semsagt gefiš śt aš žeir vilji fį 1.860 evrur frį mér ķ umsżslugjöld en žetta er alžekkt ašferš žessara glępamanna.  Aušvitaš falla alltaf einhverjir fyrir svona vitleysu, senda peningana og heyra svo ekki aukatekiš orš frį žessum ašilum.  Viš skulum sjį hvaš viš getum eytt miklum tķma žeirra og fengiš žį til aš gera.  Ķ ljósi žess aš 90% svona glępa er framkvęmdur af Nķgerķusvindlurum sem lķtiš eša ekkert vita um Ķsland, varš ég aš krydda bréfiš ašeins.

Ég sendi žvķ bréf til Elisabeth žar sem ég greini frį žvķ hvaš ég hef veriš snöggur aš bregšast viš:

Dear Elisabeth.

Thank you again for all your hard work and help.  You can't imagine how much this will do for my church here in Iceland.  Our churchmembers are so thankful for my luck and your lottery of course.  We have allready started to build a community center for the winnings that will house more than 300 people that are in great need.  We don't have much to spend so now, thanks to the lottery, the people we help will get warm clothes and shoes to wear in the winter time, even books, papers and pens.  More importantly, since most of these people can't afford guns, they will have a place to sleep away from the dangers of the polar bears and wolfs.  

I managed to get the money together, 1.860 euros and sent it via SWIFT Express payment to the Luckyday Lotto in the Netherlands.  I didn't have your (Luckyday Lotto) bank information so I got it from the bank here in Iceland (Swift account: 3882982982773-NL).  They payment should arrive in 24 hrs. This should prevent you from being inflicting with the money laundrey regulation you mentioned.

I hope we can see the winning money in a short time (like you said in the e-mail) because the curch doesn't have money to pay the contractor that is building the community center.  He knows that the money is coming from the lottery but can't wait long.  Also, the money we paid to you, the 1.860 euros, were taken from the church's christmas-fund.  I didn't even have the authority to do that.  I will be fired if they find out.  Now we don't have any money for the christmas mass and ceremony.  Also, the winter is coming here and many people need the community center for warmth and shelter.  I hope you understand my situation.

Hope to hear from you very soon.

Best regards,


P.s.  I sent you a photo of the church meeting (and me), where we are discussing the building progress (drawings, plans, regulations, etc.).  They have allready begun digging for the foundation.

Nś er bara aš sjį hvaš žeir gera nęst.  Žaš er ljóst aš ég, presturinn, er bśinn aš leggja inn rśman 200.000 kall śr jólasjóši kirkjunnar og į ekki von į góšu ef žaš fattast.  Žaš er eins gott aš žetta sé ekki svindl!

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