24.9.2008 | 17:46
Svar frį lotterķinu...
Jęja, hśn Elisabeth var nś ekki lengi aš svara og svaraši meš žessu lķka langa bréfi:
Dear. Winner
We write to inform you that we acknowledge the receipt of your winning details by email message dated on the 19th day of September 2008, with regards for the processing of our recent E-mail sweepstakes winning award, we also write to inform you that in furtherance to our successful verification/confirmation of your winning numbers with our promotional department, you were find as the rightful beneficiary to the claim of 980,000:00 which your email address has won for you. Firstly we write to explain and clarify to you the procedure of your winning claim. Be informed that this program is a promotional sweepstakes sponsored by consortium of software promotion companies. The Intel Group, Toshiba, Dell Computers, Dutch yahoo mail server, Orange home mail server, Microsoft and other international companies. All participants where selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world drawn from Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, Africa, North and South America and you are amongst the few lucky recipients that emerge winner in the 2nd category. Below are your winning details as we have them in your winning file.
Ref No: STLI/722-5/0777
Batch No: 864/0579JQ.
E-Ticket No: ZUK-7778-730-706
Serial No: NL/9967/07
Upon the receipt of this email message, you are advised to confirm the following under listed information to this department for the processing of your winning documents.
(1). Full Names:
(2). Tel/Fax:
(3). Country Origin:
(4). Amount Won:
(5). Age:
(6). Sex:
(7). Occupation
(8). Home Address:
(9). Winning Email Address:
(10). A valid copy of your identification, such as passport copy, drivers license or any international identity card via email scan attachment or via fax. This is for record purpose and to ensure we are dealing with the rightful beneficiary to this claim.
It is upon the receipt of the above-mentioned details we will verify your information with our promotional department. After we have been able to confirm your information, we will then file in an application with the Netherlands Gaming Control Board, and obtain a winning certificate in your name for the immediate release of your winning funds to you through a Bank to Bank wire transfer. All these processes will be completed within the next 24hrs. Be informed here that all winnings must be claimed not later than the 6th day of October, and that anybody under the age of 18yrs is automatically disqualified and hereby not eligible to apply for a claim of this amount. Kindly confirm the above required details to us as soon as you receive this email to avoid delay for the processing of your winning documents.
N.B. You are advice to keep you winning information's secret from public notice, to avoid double claimant of some participant and NON participant of this program, till you receive your winning funds. I hope to have given you the needed explanation for the processing/release of your winning funds.
Best regards,
Mrs. Elisabeth J. Limbourg
For: Mr. Bob Bongers
Luckyday Lotto Processing Dept.
Tel: +31- 619857945
Fax: +31- 847512664
E-mail: contactmrbongers@gmail.com
Nś ég sé ekki betur en aš ég verši aš senda žessari įgętu konu upplżsingarnar um mig og žį skrifa ég žetta:
Dear Elisabeth.
Thank you so much for your email. I thought I had missed my chance since I didn't see the email until late. I'm so thrilled that I won!!! My details are below:
(1). Full Names: Funi Horsensen
(2). Tel/Fax: +354-511-5444
(3). Country Origin: Iceland
(4). Amount Won: 900.000 euros
(5). Age: 65
(6). Sex: Yes
(7). Occupation: Retired priest
(8). Home Address: Kogunarholl 10
(9). Winning Email Address: funi@visir.is
(10). Attached is my passport but I had to take a photo of it because I don't have any photocopier.
Thank you. When can I get my money?
Best regards,
Ég śtbjó svo mynd śr passa sem stórmeistarinn Bobby Fisher lįnaši mér um įriš og lét fylgja meš, aušvitaš meš smįvęgilegum breytingum.
Sjįum hvaš setur.
Fylgist spennt meš.
Anna Gušnż , 24.9.2008 kl. 23:44
hahaha žś er magnašur, įttu ekkert lķf?? Fyrst žś ert aš eyša tķma ķ svona vitleysu... En śr žvķ aš žś / žiš eruš oršin žetta sterkefnuš, vęri žį ekki dįldiš snjallt aš viš félagarnir endurnżjušum flugvélarnar okkar svona snöggvast... og keyptum lķtiš flugskżli einhversstašar į “góšum staš, žar sem viš megum koma...ALLTAF .. ps biš aš heilsa Elķsabetu... og Svampi Sveins ( Bob Bonger)
Žórir T (IP-tala skrįš) 25.9.2008 kl. 22:16
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.